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Our waterway cruises Alsace — Lorraine

Hire a licence free boat inAlsace

Canal de la Sarre, Marne – Rhine Canal, …. Hun­dreds of kilo­me­tres of routes await you if you choose water­way tourism in Alsace Lor­raine for your next holiday.

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Discover Alsace by boat

Navigating Alsace Lorraine on my houseboat….

Canal de la Sarre, Marne – Rhine Canal, …. Hun­dreds of kilo­me­tres of routes await you if you choose water­way tourism in Alsace Lor­raine for your next hol­i­day. From Pont à Bar in the Ardennes to Wal­tenheim sur Zorn or indeed Lan­guim­berg in Alsace, sim­ply head to one of our water­way bases to pick up your house­boat. We’ll help you put togeth­er your itin­er­ary and we’ll also train you in han­dling your house­boat.

Embrace the sooth­ing rhythm of a water­way cruise as you admire these land­scapes inter­spersed with green val­leys and wind­mills. As always, trav­el­ling through the locks will be one of the cruise high­lights for your youngest boaters. Head towards the Saint-Louis-Arzviller inclined plane and your whole crew will mar­vel at the unique expe­ri­ence of tak­ing this lift in your rental boat.

A cruise to Alsace Lorraine’s most prestigious sites

Here, as with every­where else in France, the water­way her­itage is very much part of the charm of water­way tourism. You’ll also be able to enjoy a whole host of oth­er plea­sur­able activ­i­ties dur­ing your cruise, for exam­ple the chance to take a break on an ATB bike ride, fol­low­ing your house­boat along the tow­paths. In addi­tion to the wealth of human genius to dis­cov­er as you nav­i­gate the Canal de la Sarre – tes­ti­mo­ny to the region’s great indus­tri­al saga – there are also many his­tor­i­cal trea­sures. You’re sure to nav­i­gate your way to the Alsa­t­ian cap­i­tal : Stras­bourg. Notre Dame cathe­dral is one of the key sites to vis­it dur­ing your time in the city – the mag­nif­i­cence of its Goth­ic art can­not fail to amaze you. Don’t miss Kam­merzell House, the cov­ered bridges and half-tim­bered build­ings, and lose your­self in a city with­in the city, built on the water : Petite France.

You can also dis­cov­er cruis­ing in the Ardennes from Pont-à-Bar.

canal du midi

Must-see places for a successful stay

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