Cruising in August at the best price
7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74
Take advantage of -25% off your cruise in 2025
Up to and including 30/09
7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74

Cruising in August at the best price

Last Minute August

For a depar­ture in August

-30%* off for all book­ings of 2 nights or more

Valid for book­ings made before 01/​09


Book your cruise online

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Or con­tact our sales team on + or by email at enquiries@​lescanalous.​co.​uk

*This dis­count applies to all our boat mod­els (except Espade 850 Fly, Fred 700, Riv­iera 750 and Renaud 8000) and to depar­tures from all our bases in France (except Pont-à-Bar and Hen­nebont) and from Bern­burg (in Ger­many). This offer applies to all new book­ings con­firmed up to and includ­ing 01 September.

The offer ends in :