7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74
7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74

The Ladies of Meuse – secret of an Ardennes waterway cruise

You’ll enjoy fol­low­ing the detours and mean­ders of the Meuse aboard your licence-free rental boat, wind­ing through the wood­ed coun­try­side. As you leave Laifour, in the sub­urbs of Revin, you’ll come face to face with the Ladies of Meuse. These three rocky pro­tu­ber­ances rise up to over 400 metres above the lev­el of the riv­er. You’ll be tempt­ed to moor up and enjoy more of this grandiose spec­ta­cle. The Ladies of Meuse is indeed now a clas­si­fied nat­ur­al site, high­light­ing the beau­ty of the place as well as its rich­ness, both from a nat­ur­al point of view, with its diverse wealth of veg­e­ta­tion, and also in terms of the leg­ends it conveys.