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7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74

Murano glass blowers

Mura­no, the biggest and best-known of the lagoon’s islands, is locat­ed to the North of Venice. You’ll mar­vel at the Grand Canal, which cross­es Mura­no from one side to the oth­er, allow­ing you to admire the palaces and glass­mak­ers’ work­shops. Indeed, Mura­no has, for cen­turies, been the realm of glass­blow­ers and glass­mak­ers, who have con­tributed to Venice’s renown. Don’t miss the chance to con­tem­plate this unique know-how, still per­pet­u­at­ed in the work­shops today. Dis­cov­er­ing the Mura­no glass­blow­ers will also give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to admire a mas­ter­piece of Venet­ian-Byzan­tine archi­tec­ture : Saint Mary and Saint Dona­tus Church, with its 3‑nave basil­i­ca layout.