7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74
7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74


Mechanic (permanent contract)


We’re look­ing for a boat mechan­ic for our Lan­guim­berg base :

You will be respon­si­ble for :

  • prepar­ing boats for charter
  • boat main­te­nance
  • wel­com­ing and instruct­ing our customers
  • Break­down and repairs
  • Win­ter stor­age and refit of boats

- Dri­ving licence required

- Knowl­edge of French or Ger­man would be appreciated

- Full-time (39h/​week), week­end work in season.

Salary to be agreed accord­ing to profile

Mechanic (permanent contract)


We’re look­ing for a boat mechan­ic for our Digoin base :

You will be respon­si­ble for :

  • prepar­ing boats for charter
  • boat main­te­nance
  • wel­com­ing and instruct­ing our customers
  • Break­down and repairs
  • Win­ter stor­age and refit of boats

- Dri­ving licence required

- Knowl­edge of French or Ger­man would be appreciated

- Full-time (39h/​week), week­end work in season.

Salary to be agreed accord­ing to profile

Unsolicited application

Would you like to join our company ?

Send us your unso­licit­ed appli­ca­tion and CV, explain­ing why you are look­ing for a job or work placement.
We will take note of it and get back to you as soon as possible.