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Cognac and Pineau Cellars

Between the Loire and the Garonne, the Char­ente promis­es you a water­way cruise mean­der­ing through this ver­dant coun­try­side. You’ll also be able to take in the vine­yards of Cognac and Pineau, the two brandies that have secured the region’s rep­u­ta­tion. The Muse­um of Cognac in the epony­mous town will tell you the sto­ry of these pre­cious bev­er­ages. You can also moor up and stroll through these vine­yards, meet­ing the wine­mak­ers, as well as leav­ing your house­boat for a for­ay under­ground into the cel­lars where the dis­til­la­tion and age­ing take place. Uncov­er the mys­ter­ies of the Cognac winer­ies and enjoy every minute of your cruise as you embrace the region’s enchant­i­ng climate.