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Porto, one of Europe’s flagship cities

It’s well worth lin­ger­ing for a while in the stu­dent city of Por­to. Its cen­tral dis­tricts will appeal to shop­pers and those who love enter­tain­ment of all kinds. The for­mer Por­tuguese cap­i­tal devel­oped along the Rio Douro, on the country’s Atlantic coast. Suf­fice to say that water sports, swim­ming and laz­ing on the huge sandy beach­es are all activ­i­ties you can eas­i­ly enjoy in Por­to. The city is nev­er­the­less home to count­less his­tor­i­cal trea­sures, tes­ti­fy­ing to the fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry of the whole coun­try. Lose your­self in the nar­row streets of Porto’s his­toric cen­tre, clas­si­fied as a UNESCO World Her­itage site.