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Venetian Gastronomy

Whether on your house­boat or in one of the count­less restau­rants in Venice or Mura­no, the local gas­tron­o­my will take you on a real voy­age of flavours. As with every­where else in Italy, you can enjoy piz­za and pas­ta, but the lagoon also has many oth­er suc­cu­lent dis­cov­er­ies in store. To whet your appetite, don’t resist the chance to indulge in cic­chet­ti, the great lit­tle appe­tis­ers used to begin a meal in Venice and its sur­round­ing region. You can savour the local shell­fish or opt for the region­al spe­cial­i­ty of frit­to mis­to, com­pris­ing fried squid, prawns and sar­dines. Bigoli is anoth­er Venet­ian dish – the tra­di­tion­al Ital­ian pas­ta once again, served with an anchovy sauce.